Unaudited interim financial statements for Q3, 2024

In the first three quarters of 2024, Capitalia reported a turnover of EUR 1.15 million and a loss of less then EUR 10 thousand. Operating revenue remained stable, however, administrative costs increased resulting in a small operating loss. The increased costs are associated with building up the sales team and IT development capacity.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q2, 2024

In the first half of 2024, Capitalia reported a turnover of EUR 764 thousand and a profit of EUR 27 thousand. This is the first time we are reporting consolidated figures. Operating revenue slightly grew and a positive net profit was achieved.

Seasonal financing for a retail store

Retail stores create a large part of Capitalia’s overall client range due to their regular financing need. Purchasing additional goods for sale before the high season, renovating the premises, expanding and opening new stores - the options are endless. Retail companies often choose alternative financing thanks to the possibility to tailor the repayment schedule and low collateral requirements.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q1, 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, Capitalia reported a turnover of EUR 353 thousand and a profit of EUR 57 thousand. The operating revenue remained stable in the last reporting quarter and solid profit growth was achieved.

European Crowdfunding Regulation (ECSP): Changes on Capitalia.com

Find out what changes Capitalia is implementing as required by the ECSP regulations and how it impacts investors' experience. Most of the changes concern investor protection and all of it is approved by the regulating body Bank of Latvia to ensure they match the EU regulations.

Unaudited interim financial statements for year 2023

In 2023 Capitalia reported a turnover of EUR 1.45 million and a profit of EUR 2 thousand. The annual revenue grew by almost 16% last year, however, due to additional costs in transitioning to licensed operations the net profitability was impacted. While in October we again observed low activity it started picking up in November and in December we managed to issue a solid monthly funding amount of EUR 2.2 million.

Additional security for your account: two step authentication

In the era of digital advancements, cybercrime rates are escalating, rendering the reliance on mere passwords insufficient for ensuring complete account safety. Understanding the paramount significance of user security, Capitalia has recently integrated Google Authenticator into our security measures. This implementation enhances security compared to only password login and is required for all users.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q3, 2023

At the end of the third quarter of 2023, Capitalia reported a turnover of EUR 1.03 million and losses of EUR 134 thousand. Revenue continued growing at a solid 10% pace, however, losses increased in this quarter due to investments in transition to the licensed platform operations

Getting started with Capitalia

Useful information for a comfortable start!

Investment Wallets

In order to invest in loans published on Capitalia platform investors must hold an Investment Wallet, which is usually created within 48 hours after finishing the registration. The Investment Wallet is your safe dedicated payment account that you can use to store money for investing on Capitalia platform, receive project repayments and withdraw cash to your standard bank account when needed.

Capitalia Co-Investment Fund invests in freelancer-tech platform Xolo

Summer has ended with another great investment for Capitalia Co-Investment Fund - the fund has concluded an investment deal with an Estonian startup Xolo OÜ in the amount of EUR 150,000. The lead investor for this investment round was Karma Ventures and this is the 10th investment for Capitalia’s Co-Investment Fund which was founded in autumn of 2021.

Useful resources & links

Here are some links that we believe are useful for getting the most out of investment opportunities with Capitalia

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q2, 2023

In the first half of 2023, Capitalia reported a turnover of EUR 705 thousand and losses of EUR 52 thousand. The operating results were negatively impacted by extraordinary one-off expenses which resulted from the sale of a subsidiary holding a brokerage license

How to obtain Tax residence certificate for Lithuanian investors

How to obtain Tax residence certificate for Lithuanian investors

How does tax withholding work on Capitalia?

Our platform operates from Latvia and we must comply with local legislation. Due to this when private individuals invest on Capitalia, we must deduct a withholding tax from their interest and late interest income received.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q1, 2023

In the first quarter of 2023 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 363 thousand and profit of EUR 70 thousand. The operating results improved in the last reporting quarter and a solid profit growth was achieved. While in January activity was still lower it picked up and was very strong in February and March. During the first quarter of 2023 we managed to issue a record monthly funding amount of EUR 2.95m in March and a record quarterly funding amount of EUR 7.43 million.

Capitalia Investment Services annual report of 2022 has been published

To comply with article 42 and clause 4 of the Law on Investment Firms, Capitalia informs that the annual report of Capitalia Investment Services, SIA, together with the auditor's report has been published. It can be publicly accessed here or in the public databases of the Enterprise Register and the Bank of Latvia.

Account statement & Tax report

We kindly remind you that Investors have to declare income from investments in our platform themselves. The tax report is available under the Account statement section.

Unaudited interim financial statements for year 2022

In 2022 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 1.25 million and profit of EUR 48 thousand. The operating results slightly improved in the last reporting quarter and a modest profit growth was achieved. While in October activity was still low it started picking up in November and in December we managed to issue a record monthly funding amount of EUR 2.7m.

Working capital financing for a wholesale company

For wholesale and retail companies, it is significantly important to keep high levels of inventory to meet the clients’ demands. In order to increase the turnover, Capitalia working capital financing can be a useful tool for purchasing more goods for sale.

Capitalia launches the first bond fund in Latvia

Continuing to expand cost-efficient investment opportunities in the Baltics, Captalia has launched the first bond fund in Latvia that invests in bonds of Baltic companies. The target return of the fund is 8-10% annually. Investment in this fund enables private investors to purchase securities that were unavailable due to the price and the investment amount.

How can you make others’ anxiety and financial cautiousness work in your company’s favour

The surrounding anxiety and suspense about the potentially upcoming crisis can quite easily initiate a stressful environment for any company. Fear of increasing invoice expenses, inflation, and the war nearby make the investors act more cautiously when planning next year’s budget and expansion plans. However, the probability of a crisis, if the company is well-prepared, is also an opportunity. There are numerous options for how a company can use additional financing to prepare for a more stable future.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q3, 2022

In the third quarter of 2022 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 916 thousand and profit of EUR 30 thousand. The operating results worsened in the last reporting quarter as a result of low seasonal activity among companies seeking business financing, as well as administrative costs (IT development) associated to transition to licensed operating framework.

Capitalia provides venture capital investments to a gamification marketing company

Capitalia invests EUR 150,000 in a Danish start-up Scratcher together with a Finnish venture capital fund Innovestor. Scratcher.io is a marketing company, which uses gamification elements to turn the industry upside down.

Capitalia Co-Investment Fund invests in a Lithuanian startup Aispeco

Capitalia invests EUR 150,000 in a Lithuanian startup Aispeco in its seed financing round led by a Finnish venture capital fund Superhero Capital.

The benefits of diversification

With this article we would like to bring your attention to the benefits of diversification. Remember that lending to businesses comes at a risk of not receiving back a partial or even full amount lent. The best approach to minimize this risk is to invest continuously and aim to spread your investments both over time and over a number of projects.

Financing for real estate development and building restoration

One of the leading real estate developers in Liepāja, Lion Estate, SIA, actively takes part in improving and renovating apartment houses in Liepāja. In order to realize numerous projects simultaneously, the company used Capitalia financing for settlements with suppliers and for material purchase.

Capitalia finances an apartment building construction in Valmiera region

With the constantly increasing material costs, construction companies and real estate developers are interested in finishing their projects sooner for lower costs. Sometimes the process can be sped up with additional financing.

Forestry and logging industries seek financing – how can private investors access these investment opportunities?

Turbulent economic events tend to highlight the most stable industries which most successfully survive economic fluctuations. In the last two years, it can be seen that forestry is a stable value – it is an attractive industry both for the lenders and investors.

How to prepare for changing market conditions

During recent years, the business environment has experienced various disruptions, where the difficulties caused by the pandemic are shifted into rapid energy and material price increases. Changing market conditions require careful planning and preventive actions in order to mitigate potential negative impacts. Although it is impossible to predict the future, there are numerous actions the entrepreneur can take to adapt to the changes in the business environment.

Venture capital for business development

When a company is in a rapid growth stage, additional financial liabilities can create a burden on the development plans and even make the business spend all incoming cash flow on covering monthly payments. In order to avoid financial liabilities and keep control over the business, venture capital can be a convenient tool to reach the desired development goals.

Annual disclosure of information pursuant to European Code of Good Conduct

In accordance with the European Code of Good Conduct for Microcredit Provision, Capitalia publishes its disclosure of financial and operational information. This disclosure will be updated on an annual basis to report the most up-to-date information. Currently, the document includes data of 2021, which has been externally validated by MicroFinanza Srl evaluators who act on behalf of EaSI (Employment and Social Innovation).

Capitalia co-finances the purchase of new machinery for an experienced event inventory rental company

Event Center is one of the leading event machinery and equipment rental company in Estonia. The company provides stage and fencing constructions and sound, light and video equipment for various concerts, seminars, sports, culture, and other events.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q2, 2022

In the first half of 2022 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 648 thousand and profit of EUR 104 thousand. Despite the extraordinary economic and political conditions, the business environment has remained favorable and interest in financing among small and medium sized companies was stable.

Capitalia helps to expand one of the leading media companies in Latvia

Visual Media SIA is one of the market leaders in the media industry – the company places large format advertising posters in Riga, and also sells the slots to marketing agencies. At the moment, the company has 30 advertising slots.

Aerones attracts investments in the amount of USD 9 million

Latvian startup Aerones attracted seed investment of USD 9 million to develop robotic services for wind energy operators in the whole world.

Capitalia helps expanding a well-known sea kayak manufacturer

Ceranos Invest, OU, is a well-known sea kayak manufacturer operating under brandname Seabird Designs. This spring Capitalia was proud to help the company execute its ambitious expansion plans.

Auto-invest tutorial

The Automatic investment function allows investing a pre-determined investment amount in loan projects based on stipulated risk, geography, and term preferences. Investors can create their own automatic investment algorithm or use our offered strategies. Using Auto-invest ensures that you do not miss great opportunities as the most attractive projects and achieve a well diversified portfolio.

How to mitigate risks on accounts receivable?

During the last few months with the geographically close war activities and price increases, companies ofter find themselves in financial difficulties which cause payment delays. Before starting cooperation with a new business partner, it is important to verify that the client will pay on time. How to avoid potentially late debtors?

Machinery leasing financing for forestry companies

After the long months of winter and rain, the arrival of warm weather also starts the active season of forestry companies. In order to work faster, numerous forestry companies purchase new and slightly used forestry machinery and trucks, but not all companies have enough funds to purchase machinery.

RCG Lighthouse share buyout with Capitalia

Capitalia as a financier participated in RCG Lighthouse, SIA, share buyout. With the help of Capitalia financing, the founders and managers of the company bought 49% of shares that belonged to a venture capital fund.

How to invest under high inflation conditions?

Recently inflation has become the most relevant economic issue of the world. Last December the inflation level in Latvia reached a record-high level of 7.9%. Such an inflation increase is the consequence of both the large money amount that has been introduced in the economy to fight with the impacts of the pandemic, and the global delivery delays. In circumstances when money quickly loses it value, it is important to act so that the investment returns grow at least at the inflation rate.

Capitalia invests in Swedish start-up Favro, marking the first investment outside the Baltic States

Capitalia invests EUR 300,000 in a Swedish startup Favro and joins a group of investors in the SEED round led by Practica Capital. Favro is a work platform for collaborative planning that has attracted significant traction from leading companies around the world.

Capitalia becomes the first Latvian fund that has invested in Estonian unicorn Bolt

In May 2022, Capitalia investment fund Co-Investment Fund purchased shares of Estonian unicorn Bolt in the total amount of EUR 300,000, that way becoming the first fund in Latvia to invest in this company.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q1, 2022

In the first quarter of 2022 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 309 thousand and profit of EUR 51 thousand. The Company reported a strong financial results in the period thanks to the high interest in business financing products from the clients.

Capitalia receives award for the most environmentally friendly investment

Capitalia received the award for the most environmentally friendly investment of 2021 in Latvia. The recognition was awarded for the investment in Aerones - a fast-growing startup based in Latvia that manufactures drones for wind turbine maintenance.

Capitalia creates a new alternative investment fund

Capitalia has created a new alternative investment fund, which allows private investors to invest in the leading Baltic venture capital fund Change Ventures. The total investment amount of the fund is 1 million EUR.

Investing in loans to Baltic businesses

Lately, the pandemic’s negative economic aftermath of inflation has become increasingly relevant. For example, in December 2021, inflation in Latvia reached a record-high level of 7.9%. It is important that, under the circumstances when cash swiftly loses its value, it works, not sits in the deposit or savings account. Money can work proactively either by investing in companies (purchasing shares) or lending to the companies.

Capitalia has opened its platform for all interested investor registrations

Capitalia business loans co-financing platform (P2B) has been operating since the end of 2017 financing projects with a closed network of investors. Starting from 2022, Capitalia has made a decision to open its platform for all interested investors.

Capitalia doubles its financing portfolio in 2021 and launches two alternative investment funds

Last year, Capitalia issued more than 20 million euros of debt financing to more than 200 businesses in the Baltic States. For the third year in a row, more than half of funding was allocated to Latvian companies, while Lithuania and Estonia share the remaining part equally. To increase the attraction of funding for companies in the Baltic states, Capitalia has launched two alternative investment funds and made its first venture capital investments.

Capitalia invests in a Latvian engineering company Cenos

Capitalia has invested EUR 250 thousand in an engineering simulation and modeling startup Cenos. In this financing round led by Startup Wise Guys, in total, the Latvian-based company raised EUR 1 million.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q4, 2021

In 2021 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 1.19 million and profit of EUR 174 thousand. The Company reported a very strong financial results in the last quarter of the year because of very high interest in business financing. In addition, as an important milestone, Capitalia raised another alternative investment fund in this period, a feeder fund for Change Ventures.

Capitalia rewards ESG compliant companies with better interest rates

Capitalia encourages companies to think about and implement good environmental, social and corporate governance (“ESG”) standards. That is why already since 2018 ESG factors have been important components of Capitalia’s scoring and pricing for financing small and medium businesses in the Baltic countries

Capitalia advises owners of pan-Baltic software distributor on sale to a strategic investor

In January 6, 2022 pan-Baltic cloud software distribution company TVG was acquired by USA-based distributor Pax8. Capitalia acted as sole financial advisor to the owners of TVG in the business sale and search of the strategic investor.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q3, 2021

In the third quarter of 2021 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 903 thousand and profit of EUR 172 thousand. The Company reported good financial results in the third quarter of the year as a result of active business financing interest. Additional revenue was contributed from the completion of a number of business sale advisory transactions.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q2, 2021

In the first quarter of 2021 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 626 thousand and profit of EUR 138 thousand. The Company reported good financial results in the second quarter of the year as a result of active business financing interest and successful completion of a number of restructuring projects.

Capitalia provides first local venture debt deal in the Baltics

The fast-growing Lithuanian start-up Rocketo, which produces and sells organic dog food, received EUR 200 thousand. venture debt. This is the first transaction of its kind where a venture debt is provided to a start-up by a local financier operating in the Baltic States. According to experts, this is a significant event for the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian start-up ecosystem, which opens up new financing opportunities for fast-growing start-ups, and at the same time provides a greater competitive advantage.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q1, 2021

In the first quarter of 2021 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 264 thousand and profit of EUR 26 thousand. The small drop of turnover reflects the smaller volume of deals that we have financed. We were able to report profit for the period as a result of low sales costs while keeping the same revenue amount. Our liquidity and balance sheet position has remained strong with significant available cash reserve.

Why is it worth investing in Baltic Stock Exchange?

Until March 2020, my investing experience was concentrated in index instruments (ETFs) or in rare experiments in foreign shares. During the pandemic, I decided to pay more attention to what is happening in the Baltic Stock Exchange. Similarly to other investors I know, I was buried in prejudice that our stock exchange is illiquid and that it does not have many well-managed enterprises. However, that is not the case. Therefore, how and why invest in the Baltic Stock Exchange securities?

Capitalia is expanding its product offering to include leasing of heavy machinery and equipment

Capitalia is expanding its product offering to include leasing of heavy machinery and equipment to agricultural, manufacturing, and industrial sector companies. We aim to continue to complement the products offered by the traditional banks and our addition of leasing provides another useful tool for businesses to fund expansion and operations.

Capitalia expands its operations and becomes an alternative investment fund management

Capitalia expands its operations in the investment field by becoming an alternative investment fund management.

Unaudited financial statements for year 2020

For the year 2020 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 978 thousand and profit of EUR 30 thousand. The drop of turnover (decrease of 22% compared to the last year) reflects the smaller volume of deals that we have financed. The profit has decreased more significantly (lower by 80% year-on-year) as with the lower issued financing amount the fixed cost base has remained relatively unchanged. Our liquidity and balance sheet position has remained strong with significant available cash reserve.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q3, 2020

In the first three quarters of 2020 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 763 thousand and profit of EUR 80 thousand. The drop of turnover (decrease of 25% compared to the corresponding period last year) reflects the smaller volume of deals that we have financed and hence lower commission income. Our liquidity and balance sheet position has remained strong with significant available cash reserve.

Unaudited interim financial statements for Q2, 2020

In the first half of 2020 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 505 thousand and profit of EUR 22 thousand. The drop of turnover (minus 18% compared to the corresponding period last year) reflects the smaller volume of deals that we have financed and hence lower commission income. The total amount of rescheduled loans due to pandemic impact has increased from 15% to 20%. On these loans we have allocated provisions in the amount of 10% from the outstanding principal. Our liquidity and balance sheet position has remained strong.

20 million of growth capital for businesses in the Baltic countries

Year 2019 has been a dynamic one for Capitalia. We have issued a new record of EUR 20 million of loan and venture capital financing to small and medium businesses in the Baltic States. In addition, we have been the first alternative financing provider in the region to receive European compliance certificate for good code of conduct lending practices. So before jumping in the ambitious plans for the year 2020 let’s take a look how did the last period look in numbers.

Capitalia unaudited interim financial statements for 2019

In the fourth quarter of 2019 Capitalia reported anual turnover of EUR 1.25 million and profit before tax of EUR 124 thousand. The results are good reflection of the result of our strategy shift that was implemented over the course of the last year and as a result of which the Company is concentrating on financing of larger businesses through co-financing with other investors.

Capitalia unaudited interim financial statements for Q3, 2019

In the third quarter of 2019 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 956 thousand and profit of EUR 132 thousand. The results are good reflection of the result of our strategy shift that was implemented over the course of the last year and as a result of which the Company is concentrating on financing of larger businesses through co-financing with other investors.

Capitalia unaudited interim financial statements for Q2, 2019

In the first half of 2019 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 607 thousand and profit of EUR 116 thousand. The results are good reflection of the result of our strategy shift that was implemented over the course of the last year and as a result of which the Company is concentrating on financing of larger businesses through co-financing with other investors.

Capitalia unaudited interim financial statements for Q1, 2019

In the first quarter of 2019 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 296 thousand and profit of EUR 54 thousand. The results are good reflection of the result of our strategy shift that was implemented over the course of the last year and as a result of which the Company is concentrating on financing of larger businesses through co-financing with other investors.
Tags: investors

Capitalia unaudited interim financial statements for 2018

In the year of 2018 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 716 thousand and profit of EUR 37 thousand. In accordance to the strategy, the Company has continued to decrease its overall assets that were EUR 2,205 thousand at the end of the reporting period, while total loans under management increased and stood at EUR 5,897 thousand.

Capitalia concludes a EUR 10 million agreement with European Investment Fund

Capitalia and the European Investment Fund (EIF) have signed an agreement on a guarantee instrument supporting small businesses in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, for a total amount of EUR 10 million. With this guarantee, small businesses will get better access to finance. The agreement is supported by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the heart of the Investment Plan for Europe, and by the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) programme

Capitalia unaudited interim financial statements for Q2, 2018

In the first half of 2018 Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 597 thousand and profit of EUR 55 thousand. In accordance to the strategy, company has decreased its overall assets that were EUR 3,540 thousand at the end of the reporting period, while total business loans under management increased and stood at EUR 5,624 thousand.
Tags: investors

Capitalia Financial Statement Release Capitalia unaudited interim consolidated financial statements for year 2017

In 2017 Capitalia reported total revenues of EUR 1,197 thousand, which is an increase by 30% compared to the year 2016.

Capitalia interview with blog Investitin.com

Capitalia has been interviewed by a blog specializing in reviewing and introducing various peer-to-peer investment opportunities. In the interview we describe our history and opportunities of investment in our loans that are sold through marketplace platform Mintos.com.

Capitalia has over EUR 3 million of loans to businesses

During the year 2015 Capitalia has issued over 3 million of loans to small and medium sized businesses in the Baltic States. The financing offered by the company was used by 237 companies. Average issued loan amount to one company was EUR 9 000 while average term was 12 months. Most business loans were issued to companies in retail and manufacturing industries. Notably, most of the clients have been companies from the regions.

AS Capitalia expands cooperation with marketplace platform Mintos

Investors are offered to invest in invoice backed short-term loans.

From today, February 4, marketplace platform Mintos will offer to its investors an opportunity to invest in AS Capitalia loans that are backed by issued but yet unpaid invoices. This enables to invest in invoices that small and medium sized companies have issued to largest enterprises in the Baltic States.

Capitalia starts financing small and medium sized businesses also in Estonia

Capitalia, represented in NASDAQ Riga stock exchange, is the leading alternative financing provider for small and medium enterprises in Latvia and Lithuania. It offers modern and simple loans to businesses that often are overlooked by the traditional banking sector. To date Capitalia has financed working capital and investment needs of more than 500 enterprises investing over EUR 12 million. From January 2016 company has obtained necessary permits and will start servicing clients also in Estonia.

Capitalia launches innovative financing product for small and medium enterprises – invoice purchasing

From today JSC Capitalia will provide new finance product for small and medium enterprises – invoice purchasing. Invoice purchasing is an easy and convenient way for businesses to improve cash flow and increase working capital. With this product companies can sell their issued invoices for goods or services and receive payment already on the following day. This new and innovative financing product is a modern alternative to traditional factoring provided by commercial banks.

Capitalia has a new office address

Starting from September, Capitalia office will be located on Brivibas street 40, 4th floor.

Our new address is:

JSC Capitalia
Brivibas street 40-35
LV-1050, Riga, Latvia

Now everyone can invest in SME in Latvia

Starting from 23rd of July, 2015., loans issued by Capitalia are available on Mintos marketplace and each and every investor can invest in small and medium enterprises in Latvia. The minimum investment is EUR 10.

Capitalia Bonds Listed on Nasdaq Baltic Market

As of November 3, 2014 Capitalia, AS bonds are listed on the Nasdaq Baltic Bond list by Nasdaq Riga. According to the issue terms, trading will be possible with so far issued 1 000 bonds with the total nominal value of EUR 1 million.

Microloan client Versse: Cooperation with Capitalia is open, simple and professional.

We are happy to have clients from various business sectors, who share their observations about our business financing products. We believe that it will be interesting and useful to our existing and future customers.

Capitalia microloan advantages or a couple of reasons why to choose Capitalia financing

Capitalia financing is a good option for companies to whom traditional business loans are not available or suitable. Here you can find a short comparison of Capitalia microloan and traditional business loan.

Capitalia signs agreement to manage microlending portfolio with state aid

Capitalia signs agreement with the Latvian Guarantee Agency and expands financing product portfolio introducing microloan with state aid. The program provides lower interest rate and commission fee, and offers loans for longer term than the standard Capitalia microloan. The state aid program is designed to improve the financing availability to small and medium companies

Capitalia expands financing product portfolio and introduces factoring.

Capitalia offers new financing product - factoring - financial transaction based on invoices that are pledged as collateral. It is a widely used type of loan among wholesalers and manufacturers, and now it is available also to small and medium companies that cannot apply for bank financing.

Capitalia registers change of the legal status to Joint stock company

Capitalia has registred change of legal status from Limited Liability company (SIA) to Joint stock company (AS). This is another step in the company development which as well closes merger process with two Limited Liability companies – Poscredit and Rinovus.

Laboratory of Entrepreneurship Capitalia award

For the second year in a row the Entrepreneurship course at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga has a new frame. It is called the Laboratory of Entrepreneurship and designed so that students during the course develop a real business idea and present it to investors for evaluation.
Tags: start-ups

Capitalia participates in the annual Latvian Venture Capital Association closing event

On the 17th of December Latvian Venture Capital Association (LVCA) held the annual closing event. This time the event was especially remarkable because of the 10th anniversary of the association. LVCA Board member and former chairman of the moard, manager of the leading SME financing company in the Baltics Capitalia, Juris Grišins: “Venture capital in our country is still rather under-developed and for the next ten years we have to work hard until it takes stable and self-sufficient role in the Latvian financial system."

Microloan customer story - manufacturing company "Šiluma ir ko"

Private entity ŠILUMA IR KO is producing storage tanks and bulk water heaters. Company is continuously expanding and has competitive adventage by supplying high quality products at attractive prices.

Business loan availability in Lithuania

Even though banks’ lending policies are getting milder and business loan portfolio size is forecasted to continue increasing, many companies will still not qualify for bank or credit union loan. In previous survey of commercial banks by Bank of Lithuania results revealed expected increase in demand for business loans of 38%; however portfolio grew only by 2%. Furthermore current survey shows that increase in demand is going to be even bigger for next period and is estimated at 60%. As a result business loans portfolio will be increasing; however big part of this demand will not be satisfied by banks and credit unions.

Business loan availability in Latvia

Twice per year the Bank of Latvia conducts a commercial bank survey including research of demand for business loans. Most of the banks since year 2010 have reported increasing demand for the particular type of financing. The trend seems to be clear and evident as the Latvian economic situation has experienced solid growth that in turn stimulates the entrepreneurial optimism and the desire to invest in business development. However, according to the quarterly report of The Financial and Capital Market Commission, despite the increasing demand, the total commercial bank business loan portfolio is declining.

POS credit customer story - cafe "Pasēdēt"

SIA “Sviestmaize” (sandwich in English) co-owner Edgars Runcis did not choose the name of his company at random – his first business in 2009 was indeed the sandwich business.

Four years in a row Capitalia supports Nordea business school for startups „From idea to investor”.

„From idea to investor” is a practical education program for young entrepreneurs. Capitalia supports Nordea business school participants by sharing its financial expertise.
Tags: start-ups

Juris Grišins continues to represent Capitalia in the board of Latvian Venture Capital Association

On 9 April 2013 the regular General Meeting of Latvian Venture Capital Association took place and the main issue on the agenda was reelection of the board.

With full support from other members, the representative of Capitalia Juris Grišins will continue to perform his duties of board for the next two years.

Our aim is to contribute and promote the development of venture capital and alternative investments (microloan and mezzanine) sector in Latvia. Furthermore we will continue to assist to the government institutions to identify flaws and develop according support program to avoid them.

During the General Meeting the board adopted Code of Professional Ethics and changed the name of the Association to Latvian Private and Venture Capital Association.

Capitalia presentation at the conference "Development challenges in Latvia 2020"

Capitalia manager Juris Grišins participated in the conference organized by Ministry of Economics representing Latvian Venture Capital Association and presenting overview on alternative financing issues in Latvia.

The presentation reviews the current situation and the future perspectives of business microlending, mezzanine and venture capital sectors. For entrepreneurs interested in business financing there is relevant information mentioned in the presentation about the alternative investment providers in Latvia. The main finding from the presentation says that the financing for businesses is still difficult to access and to stimulate the availability further and continuous government support is necessary.

Capitalia supports competition “Commercialization of sustainable business idea”

Competition “Commercialization of sustainable business idea” took place on February 21 at the premises of Riga State Gymnasium No 2. Representative of Capitalia Ģirts Tihomirovs participated in the jury by evaluating business idea presentations and advising pupils about further idea realization process. Capitalia gave a special award to a team from Preiļi State Gymnasium that presented idea about manufacturing wooden toys.
Tags: start-ups