News category "Tutorials"

Additional security for your account: two step authentication

In the era of digital advancements, cybercrime rates are escalating, rendering the reliance on mere passwords insufficient for ensuring complete account safety. Understanding the paramount significance of user security, Capitalia has recently integrated Google Authenticator into our security measures. This implementation enhances security compared to only password login and is required for all users.

Getting started with Capitalia

Useful information for a comfortable start!

Investment Wallets

In order to invest in loans published on Capitalia platform investors must hold an Investment Wallet, which is usually created within 48 hours after finishing the registration. The Investment Wallet is your safe dedicated payment account that you can use to store money for investing on Capitalia platform, receive project repayments and withdraw cash to your standard bank account when needed.

Useful resources & links

Here are some links that we believe are useful for getting the most out of investment opportunities with Capitalia

How to obtain Tax residence certificate for Lithuanian investors

How to obtain Tax residence certificate for Lithuanian investors

How does tax withholding work on Capitalia?

Our platform operates from Latvia and we must comply with local legislation. Due to this when private individuals invest on Capitalia, we must deduct a withholding tax from their interest and late interest income received.

Account statement & Tax report

We kindly remind you that Investors have to declare income from investments in our platform themselves. The tax report is available under the Account statement section.

The benefits of diversification

With this article we would like to bring your attention to the benefits of diversification. Remember that lending to businesses comes at a risk of not receiving back a partial or even full amount lent. The best approach to minimize this risk is to invest continuously and aim to spread your investments both over time and over a number of projects.

Auto-invest tutorial

The Automatic investment function allows investing a pre-determined investment amount in loan projects based on stipulated risk, geography, and term preferences. Investors can create their own automatic investment algorithm or use our offered strategies. Using Auto-invest ensures that you do not miss great opportunities as the most attractive projects and achieve a well diversified portfolio.