
Statistics on the loans to Baltic businesses funded on Capitalia crowdfunding platform.

Net return

Net investment return is interest and loan penalties earned, after deducting losses from defaulted loans and provisions for doubtful loans. Restructured loans carry provisions of 10% which in most cases does not turn out to be an actual loss and the return improves once such loan is repaid. Interest rate ranges from 6% annually on the safest loans covered by EIF guarantee and Capitalia buyback obligation up to 18% for the most risky projects. The average project interest rate is 12.23% and the annual loan loss rate is 0.92%. The return fluctuates based on the overall economic conditions, however, overall is very stable.

Preliminary data, based on 8 longest investing investors returns who have invested in 200 projects or more since 2017.

How it compares

Growth of an EUR 1,000 investment in loans to Baltic businesses would ensure a stable savings growth over the last six year period. This return compares very favorably with returns of investment to any other general investment categories in the eurozone.

Important note
Past performance does not guarantee future results. Any historical returns or default statistics may not reflect actual future performance. All investments involve risk and may result in significant losses. Read more in the Risk management section and take a look at our statistics below.

Funded projects

Sum of financed projects by months

Portfolio quality

Distribution of the portfolio by risk and late days

A+ A B C D Total
Issued € 13,513,131 € 12,489,848 € 34,477,938 € 15,734,989 € 2,025,691 € 78,241,597
Repaid € 12,132,797 € 8,785,054 € 24,794,964 € 12,930,513 € 1,713,855 € 60,357,183
Active € 1,086,681 € 3,138,794 € 8,028,338 € 2,119,581 € 249,031 € 14,622,425
1-30 days € 231,478 € 0 € 1,008,711 € 465,168 € 48,049 € 1,753,407
31-60 days € 48,595 € 156,000 € 204,000 € 90,574 € 0 € 499,169
61-90 days € 13,580 € 155,130 € 163,673 € 54,395 € 14,756 € 401,533
91-180 days € 0 € 0 € 0 € 30,768 € 0 € 30,768
181-360 days € 0 € 254,870 € 55,917 € 23,473 € 0 € 334,260
Over 361 days € 0 € 0 € 222,335 € 20,518 € 0 € 242,853
Last updated 26.07.2024
A+ A B C D Total
Weighted average interest rate 8.58% 11.55% 12.35% 13.67% 15.34% 12.30%
Loan loss rate 0.00% 0.72% 2.17% 0.27% 0.00% 1.18%
Loan write-off rate 0.00% 0.00% 0.08% 0.15% 0.00% 0.07%
Last updated 22.02.2024
Loan loss rate calculations are based on the latest recovery estimates. Losses from written-off loans and provision expense for doubtful loans are summed and divided by the total loans issued. Loan write-off rate shows loans deemed unrecoverable divided by the total loans issued.
The regulatory Default Rate Disclosure Information is available here View


  • 1201 Number of registered investors
  • 7 Average number of investors per project
  • 2,977 € Average investment per investor
  • 12.30% Average
    interest rate