Business loan for financing investments and working capital

Tailored loan to businesses for up to EUR 2,000,000 for financing working capital or investment needs
I want to grow my business

Use loan to

Business loan is our most popular product and it is great addition to financing provided by traditional banks.Also this financing is suitable in situations, when bank credit is not yet accessible to the business. Use our business loan to:

  • Improve cash flow
  • Cover one-off expenses
  • Refurbish premises
  • Grow turnover

Our offer

Acquire financing on the following principal terms:

Financing amount

From 10,000 to 1,000,000 EUR


Short and long repayment terms from 3 to 36 months


Overpayment rates from 6%*

Repayment of financing

Gradual loan amortisation or repayment at the end of term


Typically for sums up to EUR 50,000 without collateral


In accordance with our Pricelist

* Lowest interest costs are provided to companies with the most stable cash flows and lowest risk. Overpayment is sum of all loan repayments in the schedule over the issued financing amount. Our annual interest rate is in the range of 8 - 24%.

100 000 EUR

Average issued financing amount


Of our clients use our financing repeatedly

14 months

Average term of our issued loans

This financing benefits from a guarantee funded by the European Union under the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

Micro loans up to EUR 25,000 are now available with a guarantee funded by the European Union under the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) through the European Investment Fund (EIF)*. Purpose of EIF guarantee is to simplify access to finance as well as to assist micro enterprises in developing their own business. Loans to businesses are offered for term of 3 to 60 months and are available with reduced interest rate** and no collateral requirements, but with personal guarantee from owner.

Qualifying criteria for guarantee
The following companies can qualify for guarantee from EIF:

  • Private or public limited company registered and operating in Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia
  • Up to 9 employees (including)
  • Annual turnover or balance sheet is not larger than 2m EUR
  • Company does not work in any of the restricted sectors
  • Company is not subject to insolvency proceedings

Additional information on the programme
Additional information about the programme is available on the websites of the European Investment Fund and the European Commission:

* This financing benefits from a guarantee funded by the European Union under the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (“EaSI”) provided by the European Investment Fund (EIF). The EaSI Guarantee Instrument is specifically dedicated to microfinance and social entrepreneurship. One of its key objectives is to increase the availability of and access to finance for vulnerable groups wishing to launch their own enterprises, micro-enterprises and social enterprises, both in their start-up and development phases.

** The supported financing benefits from the support of the European Union under the Guarantee Facility established under Regulation (EU) No 1296/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council establishing a Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (“EASI”) and the European Fund for Strategic Investment (“EFSI”) set up under the Investment Plan for Europe. The purpose of EFSI is to help support financing and implementing productive investments in the European Union and to ensure increased access to financing.

Use all business opportunities

Learn more about the financing possibilities by reading frequently asked questions.
I want to grow my business