Investment Wallets

In order to invest in loans published on Capitalia platform investors must hold an Investment Wallet, which is usually created within 48 hours after finishing the registration. The Investment Wallet is your safe dedicated payment account that you can use to store money for investing on Capitalia platform, receive project repayments and withdraw cash to your standard bank account when needed. You will be able to access this Investment Wallet directly on Capitalia platform.
Key benefits for investors:
● Safety - your funds will be clearly segregated from Capitalia at all times and money will be transferred directly between investors and borrowers. Your money will be held in separated client-money accounts opened with large and safe partner banks, such as BNP Paribas
● Convenience - you will be able to top up the Investment Wallet with a single transfer and then make multiple investments to new projects directly on our platform without paying bank fees for each transaction 
● Reinvesting - since the repayments will accumulate in your Investment Wallet, it will be effortless to reinvest funds in new projects
● Auto-invest - your auto-invest strategy, as well as Advised account service will require even less attention as you will no longer need to make a new bank transfer for every project automatically booked for you
The keeping of the Investment wallets will be provided by the French licensed payment institution supervised by ACFR and widely used by many of the largest European crowdfunding platforms - Lemonway. Money kept in Investment Wallets is held in separated client-money accounts opened with partner banks, such as BNP Paribas.
Checking Investment Wallet balance

When logged in to your account on our platform you will always see the current Investment Wallet balance next to your account menu in the top right corner:

Clicking on the balance will take you to the dedicated Investment Wallet page where you will see sub-pages:
Balance - See available wallet balance
Statement - Obtain an account statement for the desired period of time
Adding funds - Will show you the information required to make a transfer for adding funds to the wallet
Withdrawing funds - Here you will be able to withdraw funds to your bank account.

Adding funds
To add funds to your Investment Wallet you will need to make a SEPA payment in EUR. You can add funds from any bank account, just make sure it is your bank account. The Name Surname, or Company title will have to match your profile information for payment to be accepted. Important - The beneficiary is Lemonway, and IBAN is individual for every investor. You can use the button Copy for convenience when making a bank payment in your internet bank. 

In case your bank requires a BIC for making SEPA payments, use the following BIC code - BNPAFRPPXXX 
In case an address is required, use the following: 8, rue du Sentier - 75002 Paris - France.

Withdrawing funds
To withdraw funds you just need to enter the amount, which you wish to withdraw and confirm it with your account password. You can withdraw any amount which is available on your Investment Wallet. Withdrawal will be done to your bank account indicated in your profile and visible on the Withdrawing funds page. 

Q&A regarding Investment Wallets
In whose name will the bank account (“wallet”) be opened?
In the name of Investor.
How will my accountant be able to access the bank account statement?
The statement will be available on the Capitalia platform, under the Investment Wallet menu. The user using the platform will have to get it and submit it to accounting.
Where will the money be held?
Money kept in Investment Wallets is held in separated client-money accounts opened with 4 tier-1 partner banks, such as BNP Paribas.
Will deposit guarantees apply at the bank?
Yes, for instance, BNP Paribas operates under Deposit Guarantee Scheme, where €100,000 per depositor is guaranteed. Customer funds regardless if an EU bank goes insolvent are guaranteed (up to EUR 100,000 per depositor) under provisions outlined by European Union regulation.
Where can I get more information about safeguarding of funds?
You can access more information here.
I finished registration/updated my profile but do not see my Investment Wallet
Wallets will become visible starting from October 16th, we will send an email about it and information on how to top it up with funds. If you just registered or just updated the required information on your profile - it can take up to 48 hours to get your Wallet opened.
Can I invest in a project if my Wallet balance is insufficient?
Yes, same as before, you will have 2 days time to handle payment. Once you invest and in case the Wallet balance is not enough - please make a transfer to the wallet ASAP. 
Published by at. 10:03