About company

Established in 2007, Capitalia is the leading financier of small and medium sized businesses in the Baltic countries.

Our principal core competence is in funding businesses. Altogether we have financed more than 5,000 companies for the total amount of over EUR 100 million. Among our clients are such family businesses are optics store Takealook and brewery Ārpus, but also large companies like Aerones, Stenders and Pure Chocolate. For investors in turn we offer a wide range of opportunities how to invest in the Baltic businesses, including through loans, bonds and venture capital.

2023 We have obtained the Bank of Latvia license for crowdfunding platform management
2022 We establish the first corporate bond fund in Latvia
2021 We received registration for alternative fund management services
2019 We conclude agreement with European Investment Fund that allows us to provide loans to business with support from the European Union
2018 We launch our co-funding platform and change our legal form to Societas Europaea
2016 We start our operations in Estonia and expand our partnership with marketplace platform Mintos
2014 Our bonds are listed on NASDAQ Baltic exchange
2013 We launch an innovative financing product for merchants - POS credit
2011 Capitalia starts to offer accessible financing to small enterprises in Lithuania
2007 Capitalia is founded with the goal to provide alternative financing for businesses in Latvia

Our team

Our employees unite experience in venture capital, as well as commercial and investment banks:

Artūrs Soročenkovs
Senior investment manager
Gintaras Matuzas
Chief Investment Officer
Ivan Zahharenko
Sales manager
Juris Grišins
Ruta Circene
Chief Accountant
Laura Komisare
Internal auditor
Lina Charlampovičienė
Chief Risk Officer
Lukas Galkus
Senior investment manager
Marta Metuzāle
Investment manager
Mārcis Laksa
Sales manager
Nils Skopiņš
Investment manager
Pāvels Šnejersons
Chief Operations Officer