Käibekapitali finantseerimine kasumlikule metsaraiefirmale (II)


The Company started operations in 2022. Its main operations are logging in Latvia and Iceland, additionally it buys and sells machinery to other clients. The Company itself purchases fellings in Latvia, which it cuts down and sells the timber to wholesalers.

To accelerate the growth of the Company, it is seeking working capital financing of EUR 25,000 for 24 months to purchase additional fellings and settle with suppliers. The loan will carry a 8.04% annual interest rate (0.67% monthly) with a monthly amortization schedule. The financing benefits from a guarantee from the European Investment Fund which allows Capitalia to provide a buyback guarantee in case such a guaranteed loan becomes default. In addition, the owner of the Company provides a personal guarantee for the loan.

Altogether, the Company will receive financing with the European Investment Fund guarantee in the total amount of EUR 50,000. However, the amount is divided into two separate financing projects - EUR 25,000 each.

Investeeringute peamised punktid

On mitmeid tegureid, mis muudavad laenu andmise ettevõttele atraktiivseks võimaluseks ja peamised neist on järgmised:

  • The loan benefits from a guarantee from the European Investment Fund which allows Capitalia to provide a buyback guarantee in case such a guaranteed loan becomes default.
  • The owner of the Company provides a personal guarantee for the loan.
  • The Company has no other financial liabilities.
  • The Company has a strong equity-to-assets ratio of 81%.
ID 16898-2-LV
Valdkond Metsaraie
Riik Läti
Laenu liik Ärilaen
Tähtaeg 24 kuud
Oodatud tootlus 8.04%
Intressi makse Igakuine
Amortiseerimine Igakuine
Riskitase A+ (100 out of 100)
Isiklik käendus Omanikult
Tagatis Capitalia tagasiostu
Capitalia kaasrahastus 1000
Eesmärk 25000
Edukalt rahastatud
See laen on juba rahastatud.
Kas jäi see vahele? Palun lugege lisateavet Advised konto teenuse kohta või seadistage Autoinvest funktsiooni