Vabaaja, kalandus- ja turismi kaupade hulgimüük ja jaemüük Leedus

The Company was established in 1996 and since then is doing wholesale and retail trade of leisure, fishing and tourism equipment. Most of the revenue comes from retail, with wholesale sales ranging from 20% to 30% a year. The Company has 7 physical stores in Lithuania and e-shop. Currently, the Company is opening a new shop in Vilnius and looking for additional financing of EUR 41,480 for 10 months period to order more goods and prepare for high season, also the Company is planning to participate in public tenders. Investors are offered 11.52% annual (0.96% monthly) interest with a standard monthly amortization schedule. The loan is secured with two personal guarantees from the owner and his son.

There is a number of factors that make lending to the Company an attractive opportunity and the main highlights are the following:
  • The Company has over 23 years track record of successful operations;
  • The management of the Company has a vast experience in running the business since 1996;
  • Two personal guarantees are provided by the Company's owner and his son, who is actively working in the Company.
ID 10249-2018-2
Valdkond Hulgi- ja jaemüük
Riik Leedu
Laenu liik Ärilaen
Tähtaeg 10 kuud
Oodatud tootlus 11.52%
Intressi makse Igakuiselt
Amortiseerimine Igakuiselt
Riskitase B (80 / 100)
Isiklik käendus Jah, 2
Tagatis Ei
Capitalia kaasrahastus 2480
Eesmärk 41480
See laen on juba rahastatud.
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