Projekti finantseerimine kogenud ja kasumlikule ehitusettevõttele (II)


Founded in 2010, the Company specializes in construction project management and engineering network design and construction. The Company works both as a general builder and as a subcontractor, participating in public procurements and providing services to large Latvian and European construction companies. The Company itself constructs the engineering and electrical networks while most of the other construction work is subcontracted. In addition, there are related companies that partly provide the needed workforce. Altogether, the Company and its related companies employ around 50 people.

The Company has finished planning works and started active construction works in a large state-funded construction project worth EUR 3.2m. The Company has paid the required security deposit for agreement execution of EUR 220,000, freezing its own working capital for 9 months until the completion of the project Therefore, the Company is seeking working capital financing of EUR 138,240 for 12 months to purchase materials, settle with suppliers and employees, and execute the construction project. Investors are offered a 12.6% annual interest rate (1.05% monthly) with a monthly amortization schedule. The loan will be secured with a commercial pledge on the Company’s assets with a book value of EUR 2,473,223. In addition, the owner and 2 related companies will provide guarantees for the loan as well. The project risk rating is C (78 out of 100).

Investeeringute peamised punktid

On mitmeid tegureid, mis muudavad laenu andmise ettevõttele atraktiivseks võimaluseks ja peamised neist on järgmised:

  • The loan will be secured with a commercial pledge on the Company’s assets with a book value of EUR 2,473,223.
  • The owner and 2 related companies will provide guarantees for the loan.
  • The Company has over 10 years of experience in the construction industry and has been profitable every year since its establishment.
  • The loan repayment is mainly linked to specific project execution with a total value of EUR 3.2m.
  • The Company is an active client of Capitalia with excellent payment discipline.
ID 16814-3-LV
Valdkond Ehitus
Riik Läti
Laenu liik Ärilaen
Tähtaeg 12 kuud
Oodatud tootlus 12.6%
Intressi makse Igakuine
Amortiseerimine Igakuine
Riskitase C (78 out of 100)
Isiklik käendus Omanikult ja 2
seotud firmalt
Tagatis Kommertspant seltsi
varale bilansilise
2,473,223 eurot
Capitalia kaasrahastus 4240
Eesmärk 138240
Edukalt rahastatud
See laen on juba rahastatud.
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