Hüpoteegiga tagatud finantseerimine kogenud ärikinnisvara haldusettevõttele

The Company, established in 1994, is a real estate management company. It receives regular rental income from its owned commercial real estate in Liepāja. The property consists of 2 land plots with a total area of 9,507 sq.m. and 5 rentable buildings. The property is currently leased to various companies for storage, office, and manufacturing needs. The Company’s owner also has another active business which has developed and is currently producing new natural cosmetics products produced from freshwater green mud. To develop the business in 2022 the Company’s group’s holding company has taken a loan with a current outstanding principal of EUR 200,000. The loan term is approaching, and it needs to be refinanced. Therefore, the Company is currently seeking EUR 256,670 financing for 12 months to refinance the existing loan, the rest as working capital to develop the related cosmetics business. Investors are offered an 11.76% annual (0.98% monthly) interest rate with monthly interest payments and principal repayment at the end of the loan term. Principal repayment is planned from the sale of the property or further refinancing. In addition to the existing property the Company plans to take over from the municipality an adjacent land plot (will not be pledged) with an area of 1,822 sq.m., therefore increasing the property value and ensuring better sales price or refinancing conditions. The loan is secured with a pledge on commercial property with a market value of EUR 455,000 (LTV 56.4%) in Liepāja. In addition, the owner provides a personal guarantee.
Investeeringute peamised punktid

On mitmeid tegureid, mis muudavad laenu andmise ettevõttele atraktiivseks võimaluseks ja peamised neist on järgmised:

  • The loan is secured with the mortgage pledgeto a commercial property with an estimated market value of EUR 455,000 and an LTV of 56.4%.
  • The owner provides a personal guarantee for the loan.
  • The Company has over 25 years of experience managing the property.
  • The Company has a stable cash flow of monthly rental income.
  • The Company has a significant equity-to-assets ratio of 62%.
ID 17012-1-LV
Valdkond Kinnisvara
Riik Läti
Laenu liik Ärilaen
Tähtaeg 12 kuud
Oodatud tootlus 11.76%
Intressi makse Igakuine
Amortiseerimine Tähtaja lõpus
Riskitase B (87 out of 100)
Isiklik käendus Omanikult
Tagatis Ärikinnisvara
turuväärtusega 455
000 eurot
Capitalia kaasrahastus 6670
Eesmärk 256670
See laen on juba rahastatud.
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