Kogenud metsamajandusettevõtte finantseerimine (IV)


The Company was established in 2011 and it is operating in the forestry business. The Company acquires forest fellings to log and sell timber. The Company owns all the necessary machinery and equipment to cut the timber and it provides logging services to other companies too. In 2021 the Company also acquired and renovated a guest house near Inesis lake that generates additional cash flow. To purchase one more forest harvester and increase the logging capacity, the Company is seeking a loan of EUR 207,000 for 24 months. The loan will carry a 10.92% annual interest rate (0.91% monthly) and it will be amortized monthly by a 36-month schedule with a larger principal payment at the end of the term. The project’s risk rating is A (90).

The loan will be secured with a commercial pledge on the existing forest harvester with a book value of EUR 117,709 meanwhile, the acquired harvester with a purchase price of approx EUR 200,000 will be pledged within 1 month time after the loan issuance. Additionally, a personal guarantee from the owner will be provided.

Investeeringute peamised punktid

On mitmeid tegureid, mis muudavad laenu andmise ettevõttele atraktiivseks võimaluseks ja peamised neist on järgmised:

  • The Company is a repeated client of Capitalia, having successfully repaid 3 loans in the total amount of EUR 131,950.
  • The Company has been successfully operating in the industry for 11 years.
  • A commercial pledge on two harvesters with a total book value of approx. EUR 317,000 is provided.
  • A personal guarantee from the owner is provided.
  • The Company has been experiencing turnover growth for the past 3 years.
  • The Company has a significant net profit margin of 20.5%.
  • The Company’s equity-to-assets ratio stands for a strong 51%.
ID 9341-8-LV
Valdkond Metsamajandus
Riik Läti
Laenu liik Ärilaen
Tähtaeg 24 kuud
Oodatud tootlus 10.92%
Intressi makse Igakuine
Amortiseerimine 36-kuulise graafiku järgi suurema põhiosa tagasimaksega tähtaja lõpus
Riskitase A (90 out of 100)
Isiklik käendus Omanikult
Tagatis Pant kahele
koguväärtusega 317
000 eurot
Capitalia kaasrahastus 6000
Eesmärk 207000
Edukalt rahastatud
See laen on juba rahastatud.
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