Puhastusvahendite maaletooja rahastamine (XII)


Established in 2004, the Company is the official distributor of an American cleaning solutions and accessories brand in the Baltic states. The cleaning solutions can be used to disinfect surfaces, cars, hands, etc. In addition, the Company has created its own sink and pipes cleaning solution with for that purpose tailored bacteria, which is sold under the same brand. The Company’s production is in high demand.

Therefore, the Company is seeking EUR 66,808 financing for 24 months to increase inventory and service more clients. The loan will carry a 11.04% annual interest rate (0.95% monthly) and it will be amortized monthly. The Company will provide a commercial pledge on its assets as well as the shareholder will provide a personal guarantee for the loan. The project risk rate is B (88 out of 100).

Investeeringute peamised punktid

On mitmeid tegureid, mis muudavad laenu andmise ettevõttele atraktiivseks võimaluseks ja peamised neist on järgmised:

  • The Company will provide a commercial pledge on the company’s assets as well as the shareholder providing a personal guarantee.
  • The Company has already repaid 14 loans on time with excellent payment discipline.
  • The Company has more than 20 years of experience in the chemical retail and manufacturing industry.
  • The Company has a well-diversified customer base, including corporate clients from various industries and private individuals.
  • The Company has been operating with profits every year since 2016.
ID 07979021-EE
Valdkond Hulgi- ja jaemüük
Riik Eesti
Laenu liik Ärilaen
Tähtaeg 24 kuud
Oodatud tootlus 11.4%
Intressi makse Igakuine
Amortiseerimine Igakuine
Riskitase B (88 out of 100)
Isiklik käendus Omanikult
Tagatis Kommertspant
ettevõtte varadele
Eesmärk 66808
Edukalt rahastatud
See laen on juba rahastatud.
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