Apyvartinių lėšų finansavimas sparčiai augančiai ir pelningai statybų bendrovei


The Company was founded in 2008 and operates in the construction sector. The Company's main working directions are infrastructural works - construction and reconstruction of streets and roads, and construction and reconstruction of buildings. Prior to the start of the active construction season, the Company would require additional working capital to be able to pay to some of the subcontractors and purchase additional supplies.

Therefore, the Company is seeking EUR 52,208 working capital financing for 12 months . The loan will carry a 13.2% annual interest rate (1.1% monthly) and it will be amortized monthly. In addition, both owners will provide personal guarantees for the loan. The project risk rate is C (76 out of 100).
Pagrindiniai investicijos akcentai

Yra keletas veiksnių, dėl kurių skolinimas Įmonei yra patraukli galimybė:

  • The turnover in 2023 was 3 times larger than in 2022.
  • In 2023 the Company had record profits at almost EUR 150,000.
  • The Company’s main clients are municipalities and Altum.
  • Both owners will provide personal guarantees for the loan.
ID 10038004-LV
Industrija Statyba
Šalis Latvija
Paskolos tipas Verslo paskola
Terminas 12 mėnesiai
Planuojama grąža 13.2%
Palūkanų mokėjimai Kas mėnesį
Amortizacija Kas mėnesį
Rizikos klasė C (76 iš 100)
Asmeninis laidavimas Iš abiejų
Užstatas Nėra
Tikslas 52208
Sėkmingai finansuota
Ši paskola jau pilnai finansuota.
Praleidote? Skaitykite daugiau apie Advised paskyros paslaugą arba nustatykite Autoinvest funkciją