Apyvartinių lėšų finansavimas grūdų ūkiui (III)


Farming activities were started in 2011. Currently, the farm cultivates 476ha of land in Pasvalys district. 36ha of land are owned and 440ha are being rented. The farm is growing oilseed rape and wheat. The Company is seeking EUR 20,698 working capital financing for 12 months to purchase fertilizers, fuel and spare parts. The loan will carry a 6.60% annual interest (0.55% monthly) with monthly interest payments and principal repayment at the end of the term. The financing benefits from a guarantee from the European Investment Fund which allows Capitalia to provide a buyback guarantee in case such a guaranteed loan becomes default. In addition, the loan is secured with a personal guarantee from the owner.

Altogether the Company will receive financing with the European Investment Fund guarantee in the amount of EUR 41,396. However, the amount is divided into two separate financing projects, EUR 20,698 each.

Note about the war in Ukraine impact on the Company

The Company does not have any suppliers or customers in Russia, Belarus, or Ukraine. The Company’s clients include local companies and necessary materials, are purchased from local companies.

Pagrindiniai investicijos akcentai

Yra keletas veiksnių, dėl kurių skolinimas Įmonei yra patraukli galimybė:

  • The loan benefits from a guarantee from the European Investment Fund which allows Capitalia to provide a buyback guarantee in case such a guaranteed loan becomes default;
  • The loan is secured with a personal guarantee from the owner;
  • The Farm is operating for more than 10 years and receives regular government subsidies.
ID 15406-3-LT
Industrija Žemės ūkis
Šalis Lietuva
Paskolos tipas Verslo paskola
Terminas 12 mėnesiai
Planuojama grąža 6.60%
Palūkanų mokėjimai Kas mėnesį
Amortizacija Termino pabaigoje
Rizikos klasė A+ (100 iš 100)
Asmeninis laidavimas Taip
Užstatas Capitalia atpirkimo
Capitalia finansuojama dalis 1698
Tikslas 20698
Ši paskola jau pilnai finansuota.
Praleidote? Skaitykite daugiau apie Advised paskyros paslaugą arba nustatykite Autoinvest funkciją