Apyvartinių lėšų finansavimas patyrusiai miškininkystės įmonei (II)


Founded in 2010, the Company operates in the forestry and logging industry. The Company provides forest cutting and pulling services in the region of Trakai and Ukmergė, with the Company’s largest client being a state forestry company. Recently, the Company has been experiencing increased workflow from public tenders. 

Therefore, the Company is seeking EUR 31,317 working capital financing for 12 months to purchase fuel, spare parts and pay salaries. The loan will carry an 11.88% annual interest rate (0.99% monthly) and it will be amortized monthly. The financing will be secured with a personal guarantee from the owner.

The Company is a returning client of Capitalia, who repaid EUR 100 thous. of loans with excellent payment discipline.

The project risk rate is B (80 out of 100).
Pagrindiniai investicijos akcentai

Yra keletas veiksnių, dėl kurių skolinimas Įmonei yra patraukli galimybė:

  • The Company has 15 years of experience in the industry.
  • The financing is secured with a personal guarantee from the owner.
  • The Company has already repaid 5 Capitalia loans in the total amount of EUR 102,627.
  • The Company’s main client is a state institution.
ID 08404007-LT
Industrija Miškininkystė
Šalis Lietuva
Paskolos tipas Verslo paskola
Terminas 12 mėnesiai
Planuojama grąža 11.88%
Palūkanų mokėjimai Kas mėnesį
Amortizacija Kas mėnesį
Rizikos klasė B (80 iš 100)
Asmeninis laidavimas Taip
Užstatas Nėra
Tikslas 31317
Sėkmingai finansuota
Ši paskola jau pilnai finansuota.
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