Sezoninis finansavimas patyrusiai žemės ūkio įmonei (III)

The Company was established in 1992 and is growing free-range laying hens for selling eggs. The main client for the Company is Rimi Latvia. Additionally, the Company cultivates 350 ha of land and grows different agricultural cultures such as wheat, buckwheat, corn, barley, and rapeseed. Currently, the Company is seeking EUR 17,639 financing for 9 months to purchase new hens and technological equipment for a chicken hoop. The loan will carry a 6.48% annual interest (0.54% monthly) with monthly interest payments and principal repayment starting from the 7th month. The loan is fully secured with a guarantee from the European Investment Fund as well as a personal guarantee from the owner.

There are a number of factors that make lending to the Company an attractive opportunity and the main highlights are as follows:
  • The Company is an existing client of Capitalia with good payment discipline with EUR 66,000 repaid loan principal and EUR 172,000 used factoring limit.
  • The loan is fully secured with the European Investment Fund guarantee and the owner’s personal guarantee
  • The Company receives regular state subsidies
ID 6928-17-LV
Industrija Žemdirbystė
Šalis Latvija
Paskolos tipas Verslo paskola
Terminas 9 mėn.
Planuojama grąža 6.48%
Palūkanų mokėjimai Kas mėnesį
Amortizacija Pradedant nuo 7 mėn.
Rizikos klasė A+ (100 iš100)
Asmeninis laidavimas Taip
Užstatas Garantija visai
sumai iš Europos
Investicijų Fondo
Capitalia finansuojama dalis 2639
Tikslas 17639
Ši paskola jau pilnai finansuota.
Praleidote? Skaitykite daugiau apie Advised paskyros paslaugą arba nustatykite Autoinvest funkciją