Additional security for your account: two step authentication

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In the era of digital advancements, cybercrime rates are escalating, rendering the reliance on mere passwords insufficient for ensuring complete account safety. Understanding the paramount significance of user security, Capitalia has recently integrated Google Authenticator into our security measures. This implementation enhances security compared to only password login and is required for all users.

What is Google Authenticator?

Google Authenticator is an app that generates a unique time-limited, six-digit code which you will need to enter during the login process. It is straightforward to use the app on your phone and it is available for free both on Android and iOS devices. 

A step by step guide 

1. Login to your Capitalia account and go to My profile. Then open the last tab named Two-step Verification Setup

2. Download the Google Authenticator app from the App Store or Google Play Store and open it to set it up (skip this step in case you already use this app). 

3. Once Google Authenticator app is set up and open on your phone, click the + sign in the bottom right corner, and choose Scan a QR code.

4. Scan the QR code shown in your browser (My profile -> Two-step Verification Setup) using the app, and Capitalia account will be added in the list.

5. Input the 6 digit code from your Google Authenticator app and select “Save”.

6. Once you click “Save”, you’re all set and Capitalia will ask you to login again using the Google Authenticator code. You can choose to trust the device for 30 days, in which case this 6 digit code from the app would not be required on that device for next 30 days. 

Google Authenticator is one of the applications that supports this way of 2FA, you can also use Authly, Microsoft Authenticator, or other possible alternatives.

Using the two factor authentication and the Google Authenticator app is required for more secure access to your account. If you are unable to use Google Authenticator contact
Published by at. 11:09